Rotary Friendship Exchange
Experience Turkish and Ukrainian cultures and build international friendships through ICC Turkey and Ukraine
What is Friendship Exchange?
Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and clubs.
Participants may travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups, and may be Rotary members or not.
Benefits of an exchange
- Broaden international understanding.
- Explore a profession or job in a different context.
- Business opportunities.
- Build enduring friendships.
- Fellowships through common interests.
- Establish a foundation for peace and service.
- Gain opportunities for active project involvement and support.
- Learn about a region’s people, food, languages, customs, and history.
- Find partners for grants.
Focus areas when we make projects

Twin-Clubs meet and exchange culture on all levels.
Twin-Clubs are inviting to experience each country in culture, tradition and making vocational service. It is a tradition to meet at least every second year to keep the tight band and friendship.
It is tradition that the inviting host club invites to explore the treasure and tradition of the country/area in an at least 3 days program.